Serious Skin Care

Serious skin care is all about maintaining a glowing and healthy skin throughout your life. As you get old, the body?s natural skin care mechanisms get weak. Thus, you need to learn about the changing needs of your skin. You should regularly evaluate, analyze and change your skin care routines based on many things like the environment, your age and changes in your skin type.

You should be aware of more and more facts being brought up everyday with technological research. You should be open to try new products coming in the market. However, we recommend you to use a new product over a small are of skin (not on face) first, to check how your skin reacts to the new product.

You should follow some good practices like applying the moisturizer while the skin is damp, removing the makeup before you go to bed, using upward strokes for better penetration of products, using correct amount of makeup, cleansing before moisturizing, etc.

Take some precautions like to avoid any contact with detergents and make sure to be gentle with your skin. Do not over-exfoliate your skin and never use any low grade products or products containing strong chemicals.

Don?t forget to visit a dermatologist in case of any skin disorder. Never ignore the skin disorders as they may lead to permanent damage to your skin. Thus, if condition doesn?t improve with over the counter medication, immediately see a dermatologist. Never squeeze acne/blackheads.

Thus, serious skin care is more about taking proper precautions and preventive measures as you must have heard, ?Prevention is better than cure.? You should be proactive about the needs of your skin so that the need for being reactive is almost zero.

Informative articles on skin care

Tania for Learn how to get rid of blackheads.

The Power of Beauty

Have you ever wondered why women are so concerned about how they look? Why they aim to look like the beautiful women they see on the television and in magazines? That?s because beauty is power!

Even way back into ancient times women were concerned about their looks. Think of Cleopatra or Nefertiti who were beautiful women of their times.

The cosmetic industy is well aware of this and that women will go to great lengths to look beautiful. That?s why the cosmetic industry is a multi billion dollar industry.

When you think of beauty you think of what you see on the outside. But beauty is more than skin deep. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder! What one may find beautiful another may not. Even though there is no such thing as a definition for universal beauty all women know how to use their beauty to their advantage.

Men fall for this manipulation constantly. In fact they seldom know they?ve been snared into the web with a woman?s beauty. Of course the know when exterior beauty is mesmerizing them but it?s the internal beauty that they have not idea is working. That pouty mouth, those sparkling eyes, that gentle laugh. The power play of the boardroom and the bedroom share many similarities.

It?s a proven fact men are unable to release themselves from the beauty of women. A quick look, a wink, a big inviting smile, a relaxed posture are all indications that a man has succumbed to beauty. Studies have shown even the smartest men go stupid when entranced by the beauty of a woman.

Remember Sophia Loren, Jane Collins, or Jaqueline Bisset. Think about Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Madona, Marilyn Monroe. There beauty had an instant effect on the male population. Not only their exterior beauty but the deeper inner beauty of confidence and mystique that surrounded them.

These women were all show stoppers without even trying. In fact when asked they felt their features were flawed, but men didn?t see it that way. And yet each of these women were totally different in looks and personality. But each brought a certain group of men to their feet. Each had the ability to take the smartest man and turn him into a walking talking zombie stuttering, and staring.

Remember a beautiful woman is more than the exterior shell. Beauty is the whole woman. Personality, charm charisma, seductive sexuality, a smile, or a stance. There are many elements to a womens beauty than capture a mans attention and lock him into a world of bliss.

There is no cure for the poor male population, no pill to pop, no treatment to make them free of the power of a beautiful women. There are no magic bullets to stop the bite of beauty from turning the male population into a drooling idiot or a walking talking zombie. And until there is women will continue to use their beauty as a weapon on the opposite sex. Sorry guys!

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Anti Aging Skin Care and Treatments Dermatologists Use and Recommend

?Mirror, mirror on the wall, who?s fairest of them all? might have been the uttering of one of the most hated characters we have come across, but this concern for outward good looks is too deep-rooted in the human psyche. The basic concept of beauty has been and remains to be soft, flawless, glowing skin. Advancing age, however, takes its toll and the skin becomes blotchy, rough and dull. Seen from this angle, the topic ?anti aging skin care and treatments? calls for sincere reflection. The sagging and sinking skins have had enough of natural beauty tips that do really well unless scars and wrinkles steal appearances and the once healthy skin falls an easy prey to advancing age. It is time now that they get some insight into the steps being taken in anti aging skin care and treatments.

A number of aesthetic or cosmetic plastic surgery like face-lifts, thread lifts, fat transfer and a host of non-surgical skin refinishing treatments are now available to fight back the impacts of aging and the harsh treatments meted out to skin. Given the wide selection of skin-rejuvenating treatments, it is preferable that a reliable dermatologist be entrusted with the responsibility of working out the ideal anti aging skin care treatment to eliminate and soften the effects of aging.

The recommended skin care regimen prescribed by the skin specialist may be a singular or a combination cure, depending on the seriousness of the condition, age and other health related issues. The surgical part of the treatment is handled by the skin specialists but the follow-up skin care program necessitates total patient involvement.

The following section elaborates some of the anti aging skin care treatments, which can be used at home:

Glycolic Acid ? Glycolic or ?fruity acid? treatments are good for pigmented aging skin. The bleaching-cum-moisturizing action of this anti aging skin care treatment removes the skin blotches and smoothens the rough, sun-damaged skin, reviving its natural freshness. Available in two forms (cream and face wash), Glycolic Acid should be applied to the face twice daily or as recommended by the skin specialist. There are no serious medical problems associated with the usage of glycolic acids other than causing temporary skin irritation and redness sometimes. It is regarded as a safe anti-aging skin treatment. Caring for the rejuvenated skin involves use of sun block creams too.

TCA Skin Peels ? The TCA skin peels are the most sought after anti-aging skin care treatments, because these medium strength peels are perfectly safe and essentially effective. They fight back the ravages of advancing years by removing facial lines and wrinkles and give back the skin its lost elasticity, suppleness.

The best thing about this easy-to-apply, home-based anti-aging skin care treatment is that its effect lasts up to a year or so. Twice a year application of TCA peels will certainly benefit the skin and are now available for at home use (see the website below for more on this).

Adding some natural skin care tips like hydrating the body inside out, going for a balanced diet (containing anti-oxidants), a little meditation and other health tips summarize a full-fledged anti aging skin care program.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels for plastic surgeons, medispas, and in home use. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

Makeup Makeover

Do you need a make-up makeover? You can easily spruce up your look by adding a few key seasonal products to your make-up bag. The goal is to have fun and find products that create a look that makes you look and feel great. Many Professional Beauty Consultants will let you try-before-you-buy and will assist you in making smart color choices. Still feeling a little intimidated? Here are some steps you can take to prepare for your first color consultation:

1.Take an inventory of your current makeup bag. Keep in mind that cream and liquid based makeup like foundations and concealors have a shelf life. If your makeup begins to separate, in the bottle or cake and break?get rid of it. Mascara should only be used for one season. Bacteria could develop on the brush. Your products should be fresh and bacteria free, after all, you are putting them on your face! Taking an inventory will also help you determine what you need and what you can live without.

2.Note colors you like and colors you absolutely hate. How many times have you gotten home from the store, so excited about your new lipstick, only to find that you have 3 others in almost the exact shade? Bring your favorite colors with you to avoid duplicating or to match up colors you love that are getting low.

3.Be willing to try. It?s only makeup. The beauty of cosmetics (no pun intended) is that they are temporary. If you don?t like the look, it will wash right off.

4.Have fun. Remember, when you were a little girl playing with your mother?s makeup. You and your best girlfriends crammed in the bathroom, pink, blue and bright purple powder everywhere. Sparkly, glittery pale blue lips with hot pink eye shadow and enough body glitter to light the Lincoln Tunnel. Oh yes?those were the days. Playing with makeup is fun. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

Have a great day!

Dawn Hull
Professional Skin Care Consultant

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Holistic Skin Care Regrowing The Garden Of Youth

To win the battle against the effects of time and the environment, we need to do more than just apply lotions and creams to our faces. No matter how sophisticated the ingredients grow, those anti aging creams only improve the appearance of the dead layers of skin on the surface. To reach the deeper, living cells, we need to nourish ourselves from within.

Juices are an great way to get vital antioxidants, phytonutrients, and vitamins in fruits and vegetables we normally would not eat regularly. For example, pomegranate juice has been found to prevent the thickening of the arteries if drunk daily, as well as slow down the oxidation of cholesterol. And new research indicates it may have a much stronger antioxidant effect than red wine and green tea. Beauty foods like these can be a very effective tool in improving the way our skin looks and feels.

Antioxidants are an excellent way to slow down the aging process on our skin. There are a variety of antioxidants found in fruit and vegetables. These include polyphenols, flavanoids, and proanthocyanadins. Proanthacyanadins help capillary walls stay strong, which is important in making sure all the right nutrients and oxygen get to our cells. If our cells are starving because of nutrient transportation problems, they are not going to be healthy, or look good. Blueberries and blackberries are rich sources of proanthocyanadins, so that's a great excuse to make these delicious fruits part of a regular diet. If you can't get fresh berries, or they're too expensive, try frozen berries as they still retain their nutritional value.

Paul Bedson, who utilizes traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in his approach to the body, suggests these juices for good skin health:

  • Carrot, celery and lemon juice
  • Cucumber, lettuce, and pineapple juice
  • Half a glass of cucumber juice with half a glass of water

TCM sees healthy skin function in relation to how well the other organs of elimination function. The skin is considered an organ of elimination as it excretes about one quarter of the body's wastes through perspiration. The other organs of elimination are the kidneys, the lungs, the liver and the bowels. The rationale behind considering the excretory organs as a whole when addressing skin health, is that if one of the organs is overloaded, or not doing its job properly, it throws the whole system of excretion out of balance, placing greater stress on the other eliminatory channels. So juices, food and supplements that support these other channels of elimination should also lead to a corresponding improvement in the skin.

Herbs that support the eliminatory channels, and thus indirectly the skin, include burdock, cleavers, nettles, goldenseal, yellow dock, and milk thistle, or st marys thistle.

References: Paul Bedson, The Complete Family Guide To Natural Healing (Hinkler Books, 2005)
Erica Angyal, Gorgeous Skin In 30 Days (Lothian Books, 2005

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