Yes You Can Do Something About Male and Female Hair Loss

Ladies and Gentlemen one of the biggest deceptions perpetrated on the public is that you can?t do anything about male and female pattern hair loss. The simple fact though is everyday we alter the effects of what genetics has sprung on us whether it is body odor, unwanted hair, dull smiles, or undesired weight. The reason we pursue these things is to enhance our own self-image. In regards to male and female pattern hair loss though you must recognize a few things first.

Number one is every one of us is hair challenged because we all lose hair on a daily basis. That?s a normal process and you wouldn?t have it any other way. It?s the body?s way of ridding the old hair and bringing in the new. The trick though is encouraging the body to continue this hair renewal process for as long as possible. Without it you create an imbalance where there is more hair lost than being renewed. In simplified terms to continue having a full head of hair you must equalize the hair loss and hair regrowth rates. Well fine, you say to yourself but how?s that going to stop my hair loss and bring back what I?ve already lost. This in turn brings up our second point of what causes hair loss and what you can do about it.

The generally accepted answer is that excess DHT triggered by the aging process is largely responsible for our male and female pattern hair loss. So in turn one of the main paths to stopping our hair loss is learning what disrupts this DHT from forming to begin with. Logically since DHT is formulated within the body the chemicals and enzymes necessary for its formulation are there also. The exception is that scalp enzymes synthesized by sunlight must unite with chemicals within the body to make this DHT. Based upon these facts processes that disrupt the production of DHT thereby reduce the occurrence of hair loss and thinning hair.

To summarize hair loss is a normal process of hair renewal that occurs at all ages and with both sexes. It is not uncommon for us all, after the late teens, to loose between 50-250 hairs a day. To control excess hair loss the best route is to utilize various ingredients that neutralize or minimize this DHT which are typically referred to as ?dht blockers.?

The author of this article has published two books that entail inexpensive and seldom publicized solutions for combating male and female pattern baldness. To learn more visit or